
måndag 26 april 2010

Saw it coming.

So did I get anything from my long list done today ? The very obvious answer is no. I did get my ass out for a short while, we had nice but wierd weather. If the clouds hadn't been here it would have been amazing. But a warm day anyway and it was not bad at all.

This year feels so slow but sneeky. I need something to get me up and running. I took care of all the plants, and did some minor things in the apartment. But all the big things I need to do didn't get done. Looking around my self it feels like the place is a total mess.

Hopefully everything will get done sooner than later. More laundry tomorow anyway. To my horror I found a pile of bed sheets that should have been washed ages ago. Baka baka onna. >< Oh and I just noticed, that I missed the "n" in Sunday on the last post.


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