
torsdag 26 augusti 2010

Randomish . Me, my self and the alphabet.

Let's have a recap shall we.

I'm a girl. I'm 27 years old, and yes I do feel old"er". Not really old, I know 27 isn't much. But I've got a friend who's got age paranoia and she's 26. So why can't I. Anyway...

For the moment I play the part of the "loyal housewife". Meaning I cook ( or atleast I try to ), I clean up the place ( same there )and I do the laundry. All by my choice, tho my hubby doesn't complain.

I have a ( more or less ) self declared depression, that I'm currently on meds for. It's working wonders for me so I'm gonna stay on it for the time beeing. Add random allergies and "alphabet-like" behaviour to that.

At home I like to fiddle with anything that keeps me happy. Playing / arguing with my pc, drawing, reading, looking after my flowers, bake muffins and muddcake, crochet, and anything fun that might come my way.

Besides all that I've also got some serious confidence and self-value issues. I'm wierd around ppl I don't know and maybe even worse with ppl that know me well.

So there you have it. All the mind blowing and wonderfull parts that makes me what I am, and then some.

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