
tisdag 13 april 2010

Hey fishy fishy...

You know what, why bother to say that I didn't get a new drawing done. If I make one, fine. If I don't, just as good. But you know what... with that said... I didn't make a drawing today. :P

Today was a "oh fuck wth is happening to my fishes" kind of day. I wake up to find that another one of my white pigs have died. And another one looks like he'll go the same way either tomorrow or some day very soon. It's a bummer.

So I ended up making a 50% water change. Figured it was a good idea and I needed to refill some water anyway. The downside of having an open aquarium. After that I went to the pet store and got 2 new flowers. The tank needs it.

Atleast all the other fishes are doing fine. Especially the male from the first batch of fry I got. He's been in his own tank now for a while. Thought I'd keep the males and females apart. Anyway, his collors are so nice. Black spots and a yellowish tone.

Oh and btw, the "pigs" I'm talking about, are albino corydoras. The rest of the stock are 3 siamese algae eaters, 2 adult guppy females, and a total of 10 cute guppy babies.

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