
torsdag 24 juni 2010

Midsummer yummies.

It's midsummer tomorow.

And ofc I have to have my "midsummer cheese". As far as I can remember, I've always eaten it on midsummer. I think I can remember the first time I started, I didn't like it much that time. But it grew on me after that.

And it's really not cheese. It's kinnda the mess you make cheese from. Simply just take 5 to 10 lit of milk. ( Depends on how much cheese you want. ) Ad some cheese rennet ( had to google that word.) And it's done.

Takes about 6 to 9 hours on very low heat. It's never allowed to boil, hardly even tinny bubbles. The longer you have it going the more collor you'll get. From white to yellowish and then more light brown / beige.

Can be eaten cold or warm, what ever you prefer, with lots of cinnamon and suggar. We usually make it the day before it's supposed to be eaten. I love it.

Can hardly wait untill tomorow. :)

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