
torsdag 24 februari 2011


Every morning I anxiously check my seeds to see if any of them have started to grow yet.

So far every morning all I've seen is brown soil staring back at me. But I keep my hopes up. It's one of the new seeds I'm trying and I'd love to see them grow. It's yellow pepper seeds. Stupid me only put 3 seeds in the soil tho so with my bad luck maybe none of them will grow. But I can just try again.

Spring doesn't feel too far away now. We've still got a lot of snow outside but the sun has a warmer kind of glow to it. I was out yesterday on a short walk with Veronika, Mikaela and Mikaela's very cute baby. Had some hot chocolate in the sun. Very nice, very nice.

Atm I'm thinking about my squash seeds. According to the package they aren't supposed to be planted until start or middle of May. But I'm just wondering if that might be a tiny bit late. Will they really have enough time to grow ? Also I'll have to wait all summer until I can pick them.

Well. Maybe I'm just a bit too antsy this time.

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