
fredag 26 mars 2010

The "happening".

Went to the scrapbooking store here today with my friend. Bought some paper and spent some time, it was nice. Fun ppl there I say. :P Anyways, it was some kinnda "happening".

Everyone who came got a small bag of goodies and got to make free cards from the stamps they had on the display for the moment. The problem with me is that I look at the stamps, and think.... "humm... I could just draw this my self".

So while my friend made a card, I just drew some random stuffies on a paper my self. It ended up pretty ok tho so I'm gonna make a card of it tomorow anyway. I especially like the butterfly on the right. :)

1 kommentar:

  1. oh yes...den fjärilsstämpeln skulle jag gärna köpa, inte för att tjata eller så :-)
